Remember Hana will
build up what you can do to end the slander of SNS, from small things.
We will continue to spread this activity
based on the donations and support of everyone
who supports the project.
Beyond that,
I hope that the gentle world that Hana has hoped for will be realized.
Let’s start with what you don’t say.
Unless each one says, this chain of sadness can be stopped.
Let’s get rid of slander.
Remember Hana President
Kyoko Kimura

Donate to this activity
SBI Sumishin Net Bank Corporate No. 1 Branch Savings account 1728168
Specified non-profit corporation Remember Hana
We have prepared a simple donation for 3 types Amount of money.
At Nonprofit organization Remember Hana is looking for supporting members at any time

Hana Kimura official memorial Merchandice store

We urgently demand strict punishment for insults.
At Remember Hana, we are conducting a signature activity calling for stricter punishment for insults.
You can agree and join from here